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Compatible Devices:
iPhone 12/13/14/15/16 and MagSafe cases;
Universal with other phone models including Android, non-MagSafe iPhone and non-silicone phone cases with an included MOFT Metal Ring.
[Note for the Metal Ring]:
It only works on phone cases made from PC, TPU, or aluminum metal. Compatible phone cases should have a straight, flat back and no protective coating.
(Not applicable to bare phones or phone cases made from silicone, leather, or wood.)
Click HERE to check out the tutorial
Three Modes with Adjustable Angles:
•Floating Mode
- Video Call Angle (forward tilt up to 10°)
- Showcase Angle (backward tilt)
- Theatre Angle
- Browsing Angle
- Macro Photography Angle
•Stand Mode
•Vlogging Mode
2-Card Storage
Dimensions: 3.8*2.5*0.36 in/96.5*63.5*9.04 mm
Weight: 3.4 oz/96 g
Material: MOVAS™ Vegan Leather, Magnets, Metal sheets, Fiber glass, PC
Specs of the Included Metal Ring
Thickness: 0.02 in/0.6 mm
Outside diameter: 2 in/55 mm
Inside diameter: 1.8 in/45 mm
Weight: 0.09 oz/2.5 g